With the unfortunate spread and news of CoronaVirus travelling through the world, we felt compelled to create a social media campaign called #peaceofmind – designed to be shared around social media which showed all the positive aspects of being stuck inside, especially as the UK started their lockdown. The results are funny, thoughtful and heartwarming.
#Peaceofmind by Pocko
Pocko Social is about community and responsibility – so with the unfortunate spread and news of CoronaVirus travelling through the world, we felt compelled to start a campaign. We all know the serious physical health implications of Covid-19 – but the damage to society has been rather radical; plunging stock markets, increased racism/harassment, stockpiling, overcrowded hospitals and serious mental health implications due to quarantine.
Italy was hit severely with infected cases. It had at one point in time, the highest infection rate with an equally high and increasing death rate. One way Italians dealt with the severe news was to share fun online content! Injecting positivity into a dull day kept spirits high, and certainly helped to destress the forthcoming impending pandemic news, as we heard from our Italian friends and artists. This humour is in no way mocking or dismissing the severity of the virus and the risk it proposes to disadvantaged and vulnerable people. We decided to create a campaign called #peaceofmind – designed to be shared around social media which showed all the positive aspects of being stuck inside, especially as the UK started their lockdown.
The work
We asked artists to use colours that have relaxing or uplifting qualities and to not reference the virus directly – The results are funny, thoughtful and heartwarming. We're so very lucky to have a network of international artists that can donate time and artwork just to promote more positivity in the world. These artworks are currently being shared all around social media, particularly Instagram.
Pocko was proud to have our talented network of artists create images spreading positive messages and advice in the age of COVID-19 and Quarantine, these images were then shared across the Pocko and Artists’ social media platforms!
Artworks created by - Aleksandra Apaza, Dave Anderson, Sua Balac, Van Santen & Bolleurs, Paul Bower, Kaye Cao, Paige Collins, Stephanie DeAngelis, Leonie Despres, Chelsea Frew, Filip Froelich, Max Guther, Nicolas Hands, Jan Von Holleben, Till Lauer, Domenico Liberti, William Luz, Joni Majer, Idea & Maker, Sergio Membrillas, Nomoco, Marco Oggian, Inès Pagniez, Ian Stevenson, Awolff Studio, Vasty, Egle Zvirblyte.