

Pocko Social, Michela Picchi and Apple collaborated in celebration of Pride in Cologne. Praising diversity with the help of Michela’s distinct style. The project included a live event, artwork and iMessage Stickers which together reached the core of Apple’s audience both digitally and physically, spreading the message of acceptance and growth.


Pocko Social, Michela Picchi and Apple recently collaborated in celebration of Pride in Cologne. Praising diversity with the help of Michela’s distinct style. The project included a live event, artwork and iMessage Stickers which together reached the core of Apple’s audience both digitally and physically, spreading the message of acceptance and growth.

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Michela Picchi interpreted the theme Liebe ist Liebe, by creating an artwork using an iPad Pro and Pro Create. The artwork was then animated into a fascinating time-lapse video, playing on the store’s huge screens during the Pride celebrations. The animation was later shown at Apple stores worldwide.


Michela was invited to give a lecture and conduct a workshop at the store, as part of the Today at Apple events. The audience had the opportunity to hear more about Michela’s career and creative process, and learn the secrets on how to draw Michela’s cute bunnies.

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Love is the most intense and highest emotion we can feel. Love as a feeling has no genders, no exclusion and definitely no preferences.
— Michela Picchi


Michela was commissioned to create a wonderful stickers app, available on the Appstore. She turned her beautiful illustrations into a series of 24 stickers for people to use during Pride and everyday, from smiley hearts to happy bunnies. Share the love in your iMessage by downloading the Liebe is Liebe app here !

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